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Intel Realistic Display Mixer (RDX)

White Paper

The Intel Realistic Display Mixer (RDX) technology provides high-performance, object-based programming support for interactive multimedia objects (backgrounds, sprites, tiles, grids, audio, video and graphics), video collision detection, and transformations or effects, in a Windows* 95 or Windows NT* 4.0 environment. Intel RDX architecture lets the developer access Intel RDX technology directly or through COM-compliant interfaces, ActiveX* controls, or the Microsoft* virtual machine for Java*. It also uses APIs such as DirectSound*, DirectDraw*, and DCI*. This paper briefly describes the architecture, benefits, features, display model, and general usage model of Intel RDX.

Intel RDX System Architecture

Intel RDX delivers state-of-the-art software building blocks in the form of popular developer technologies. Depending on how you choose to program or script your multimedia application and the level of control you want to have, you can select any one of these means to access Intel RDX technology: Intel RDX core (base-level) APIs, COM-compliant APIs, or scripting APIs.

Developers who are creating multimedia applications in C or C++ can use either the Intel RDX base-level APIs or the higher-level RDX COM APIs. The RDX base-level APIs provide the maximum control of surfaces, sprites, backgrounds, audio, and video objects, while the Intel RDX COM APIs provide a subset of Intel RDX functionality through a set of COM-compliant interfaces. These interfaces make more assumptions and require less input from the developer. The Intel RDX Java* language interface derives from the Intel RDX COM API and requires the Microsoft virtual machine for Java. Intel ActiveRDX Control enables developers to create multimedia applications in VBScript*, JavaScript*, or other scripting languages. Web applications or browsers can embed ActiveX multimedia controls to invoke these scripts. The following figure shows how these interfaces and types of applications relate to Intel RDX.

Architecture of the Intel RDX Core API

Intel RDX is an object-oriented system. This means that all Intel RDX objects derive from a base class and inherit a set of properties (generic attributes) from this class. The system provides the software tools to manage and render the objects derived from the base class. You can manage the objects by changing generic attributes, creating timers and events, using collision detection, and applying effects. Intel RDX uses its display mixer to consolidate all the modifications and to render the resulting image to surfaces and windows. It automatically plays audio to the sound system. The figure below shows the architecture of the Intel RDX core API and the relationship between its components.

Benefits of the Intel RDX Library

The Intel RDX library provides a number of significant benefits to software developers. These include processor-specific optimizations, ease of use, extensibility, easy display mixing, high performance, coordination of displayable and non-displayable objects, and support for performance improvements in underlying system components:

Features of the Intel RDX library

The Intel RDX library provides the following features:

Intel RDX Display Model

The general model for display has four phases: Loading source data objects, setting a source data object, setting the destination mixing surface, and finally, setting the output. This display structure allows you to load data into a data object, associate the data object with one or more displayable Intel RDX objects, and reuse it. You can apply different attributes, transformations, or effects to the data object before mapping it onto a mixing surface. Once you map the object, you can select where you want to send the output. The Intel RDX Display Model diagram shows an overview of the flow and some specific examples of how you can use the Intel RDX display features.

Usage Model

The general model for using Intel RDX objects has three phases: Building, managing, and rendering¹. In the building phase, you associate source data from a buffer in memory or from a file with a source data object (for example a bitmap), and then associate the source data object with an Intel RDX object such as a background or sprite. In the managing phase, you manipulate an object in a variety of ways. For example, you might change some of its attribute values, put it in a group, set effects on it, or use timers and events to synchronize its activities. In the render phase, you display 2D objects by drawing the surface to which they are attached. Audio objects are automatically handed to the sound system.

Intel RDX Usage Model

Further Information

For further information about the core-APIs, see the Intel RDX API Programmer's Guide and the Intel RDX API Programmer's Reference. For further information about the COM-compliant interfaces, visit the Intel Web site ( or see the Intel RDX COM Reference, the Intel package, and the Intel ActiveRDX Reference.

¹ We present the phases as if they were discrete and sequential, but in a real application they overlap.

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